NOAA 'Omics Technical Portal#
(This site is currently underdevelopment over the next few months. Thank you for your patience.) This site contains repositories and protocols used by NOAA 'Omics.
What is 'Omics?#
'Omics describes a suite of cutting-edge tools used to analyze DNA, RNA, proteins, or metabolites. Many 'Omics approaches are faster, less invasive, and more comprehensive than traditional methods. Advances in 'Omics have revolutionized biological study, benefitting many fields including public health, medicine, agriculture, and conservation. For NOAA, techniques such as high-throughput DNA sequencing and subsequent bioinformatics analyses can be harnessed to benefit a myriad of national priorities including fisheries management, aquaculture development, food and water safety, species and habitat conservation, seafood consumer protection, biodiversity monitoring, and natural products discovery. Continued investment in NOAA 'Omics will aid operational efficiency, ecosystem assessments and forecasts, and the U.S. Blue Economy.
Learn more about the NOAA 'Omics program here.
Technical Portal Description#
This portal is a central repository for NOAA 'Omics resources.